Research worker in mathematical statistics, I have been an assistant professor since September 2008 at Université Toulouse 1 – Capitole, where I am a member of the GREMAQ and of Toulouse School of Economics. I am also an associate member of the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse. I am a member of the CIMPA.
To join me, please send me an email at:
helene – at –
My research interests are around empirical processes and their asymptotic properties: I have worked on U-statistics, multiple integrals with respect to the empirical process, asymptotic efficiency of tests, large deviations for the empirical measure, L-statistics, etc.
After a number of joint papers with Céline Lévy-Leduc, Valderio Reisen, Éric Moulines and Murad Taqqu around robust estimators in time series, I am now focused on the theory of surveys in relation with empirical processes. On this theme I am collaborating with Guillaume Chauvet, David Haziza, Rik Lopuhaa and Anne Ruiz-Gazen.
I am collaborating with Natalia Bahamonde about robust estimation for some time series models.
I am also currently working on goodness of fit problems for mixed models, in collaboration with Alejandra Cabaña and Eustasio del Barrio.